Mikey's Fabric

Where Your Designing and Creative Dreams Come True!

Blue Green Jennifer Design Sequin on Spandex


Blue Green Jennifer Design Sequin on Spandex


Jennifer Stretch Sequin Design fabric cut to 60" inches. Beautiful design meant to capture the eye. Unique colors found here!

One-of-a-kind, unique material ready to be cut to any size you need!
Mikey's Fabric will not disappoint!

The store can be contacted directly at (213) 489-9595 for any questions, concerns or custom orders. 
You may also visit in person at 408 E. 9th St, Los Angeles, CA, 90015. 

Thank you.

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Jennifer Stretch Sequin Design fabric cut to 60" inches. Beautiful design meant to capture the eye. Unique colors found here!

One-of-a-kind, unique material ready to be cut to any size you need!
Mikey's Fabric will not disappoint!

The store can be contacted directly at (213) 489-9595 for any questions, concerns or custom orders. 
You may also visit in person at 408 E. 9th St, Los Angeles, CA, 90015. 

Thank you.

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